Bail hearings, also known as “Show Cause” hearings or Judicial Interim Relief, can be the most important stage in the legal process. If we can obtain bail to get you out of custody, you can improve your circumstances and dramatically change your final outcome.
We have significant experience dealing with these matters in our criminal courts, including at the:
Regulatory offences under the:
When confronted with criminal charges, an individual may lack the financial means to hire a lawyer for their defence. In these situations, Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) may be an option if you meet the financial and legal criteria.
We are passionate about access to justice. Our firm proudly accepts Legal Aid certificates.
Individuals between the ages of 12 and 17 that have been charged with a criminal offence are provided unique legal considerations and protection under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA).
We have experience representing youth on a variety of charges, ranging from impaired driving to first and second degree murder.
Our lawyers have experience representing Indigenous clients faced with a variety of offences, including serious offences such as assault, forcible confinement, and attempted murder .
We aim to obtain fair sentences for our Indigenous clients that take into account personal and family history of abuse, poverty or other extenuating circumstances.
Being charged does NOT mean that you will necessarily lose your security clearance, or your career.
If you are facing a criminal prosecution and are concerned that this will damage your career or risk your security clearance, you need to call a lawyer with the right expertise.
We ensure every effort is made to safeguard your job whenever feasible, collaborating with an employment law firm to integrate your criminal defence with specialized knowledge in employment law and security clearance. This approach allows us to take the necessary measures to support your job retention.
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